Alex Adams, MD, PhD
Professor and Director
Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity (CAIRHE)
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT
Elsie DuBray (Oóhenuŋpa Lakxóta, Nueta, Hidatsa, Cheyenne River Lakxóta Nation)
Stanford University Student
Blackfoot, SD
Kelli Wilson Begay, MS, MBA, RDN (Kickapoo, Seminole, Mvscoke Creek)
Maven Collective Consulting / Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition
Albuquerque, NM
Courtney Fischer-Claussen, MPH (Cheyenne River Lakota)
Indigenous Health, PhD Student
University of North Dakota
Grand Forks, ND
Linda Bane Frizzell, PhD, MS (Eastern Cherokee, Lakota)
Director American Indian Health and Wellness Studies
Faculty, School of Public Health
Minneapolis, MN
Stacy Hammer, RD, LDN (Bdewakantunwan Dakota)
Director of Community Health
Community Health Officer
Lower Sioux Health Care Center
Morton, MN
Holly Hunts, PhD
Associate Professor
Montana State University
Teresa Jackson, MS, RDN, LD (Fort Mojave, Seminole, Muscogee (Creek), Cherokee, Yuma)
Tribal Partnerships and Outcomes Coordinator
Oklahoma Tribal Engagement Partners LLC
Stillwater, OK
Brittany Wenniserí:iostha Jock, PhD (Akwesasne Kanien’kehá:ka Mohawk)
Assistant Professor
Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment (CINE)
School of Human Nutrition
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
Harriet V. Kuhnlein, PhD, LLD (hon.), FIUNS, FASN
Professor Emerita
Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment (CINE), and
School of Human Nutrition
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
Denisa Livingston, MPH (Diné Nation)
Community Health Advocate + Food & Health Justice Organizer
2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit Champion
International Indigenous Councilor of the Global North
Mindy S Kurzer, PhD (chair)
Professor and Director
Healthy Foods, Healthy Lives Institute
University of Minnesota
St. Paul, MN
Della Kurzer-Zlotnick
Conference Planner
St Paul, MN
Leon Nuvayestewa, Sr (Hopi)
Retired Health Director/Administrator for the Hopi Tribe
Valerie Nuvayestewa (Hopi/Tewa)
Project Coordinator, Tutskwat Oqawtoynani
Tewa Village, First Mesa, Arizona
Stephany Paige Parker, PhD
Oklahoma Tribal Engagement Partners, LLC
Stillwater, OK
Christine Porter, PhD
Professor, Wyoming Excellence Chair in Community & Public Health
Division of Kinesiology & Health, University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
Will Seeley
Blackfeet Nation Agricultural Resource Management Plan
Browning, MT
Sarah Stotz, PhD, MS, RDN, CDE
Research Assistant Professor
Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health
Aurora, Colorado
Jared Walhowe, MS
Assistant Director
Healthy Foods, Healthy Lives Institute
University of Minnesota
St Paul, MN
Melissa L. Walls, PhD (Bois Forte and Couchiching First Nations Anishinabe)
Bloomberg Associate Professor of American Health, Department of International Health
Director, Great Lakes Hub, Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health
Duluth, MN
Ellen Zacharias (Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community)