COVID-19 and Conference Safety

The Conference Planning Committee is dedicated to making the Sixth Annual Conference on Native American Nutrition a safe and accessible gathering. For those concerned about being at large gatherings, there will be an option to join the conference virtually.

In accordance with CDC and MDH guidance and in an effort to make sure our guests and staff remain safe and healthy, we kindly ask that all attendees review the following information. For this event, we ask that you and your guests:

  • Stay home if: you are feeling ill, experiencing any symptoms, have tested positive, or have recently been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19; regardless of your COVID-19 vaccination status.
  • Practice social distancing where appropriate.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • The Minnesota Department of Health recommends mask-wearing in specific indoor settings, including large group gatherings. Full MDH guidelines can be found here.